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Chinese Horoscope 2022 Feb 1 - 2023 Jan 21

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Author: Han Teen SEE

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2022 will be an unusually challenging and busy year for those born in the Rat Year. Not only will your health will be poor, you will likely face issues with regard to your safety. Even though you may not have problems earning money, you will face problems when it comes to saving. For some, there may even be difficulties making ends meet. You will likely remain single if you are not in a relationship, and there will be a lot of tensions if you are already in one. Of all the different areas of your life, your career would be the best. However, you will need to put in a lot of effort in order to reduce and avoid potential problems before you can embrace the opportunities ahead of you. There will be many problems with people around you, and unintentional difficulties appearing in different areas of your life, which may even get you into legal trouble. 2022 will not be favourable for you. The trick to turning things around will be to adopt a conservative approach, and focus on reducing and avoiding potential problems, so as to ensure a smooth-sailing journey. Hopefully, this approach can enable you to extend 2021’s better luck into 2022 for as long as possible.


Your career luck will be the best amongst the different areas in your life. Your management will be willing to provide you with the opportunities to showcase your strengths, which can potentially lead to a career advancement, recognition, and other opportunities. However, luck may not always be on your side. You will be facing many unintentional and sudden crises which can disrupt or even jeopardise your plans. As such, you will need to have contingency plans in place no matter how easy or trivial these plans may seem to be. To add on to the complexities, you will have a tendency of being too absorbed with the problems faced, and get so overwhelmed with your hectic schedule that you will overlook the need to maintain cordial relationships with others. In the process, you might offend others, and many will perceive you as being curt. As such, many will cause problems for you behind your back, causing severe backstabbing and betrayals. Some will plot against you, while others might be uncooperative, or would sabotage you. Support that has previously been given will likely dissipate. Situations could also escalate to verbal or physical violence. Some might even try to get you into trouble with either company policies or the law. As such, no matter how tired you are, always gather pertinent information yourself. Be friendly, but not too trusting. Pay attention to the grapevine and the morale of your colleagues and business partners. Adhere to company policies and the law at all times no matter how enticing other options can be. As you will not be receiving undying loyalty from others, you will need to reduce potential problems that others will cause. By managing people, preparing yourself against unintentional crises, and observing rules and regulations, you will be able to reduce and avoid potential problems. Instead of focusing on executing ambitious plans, you are better off being cautious and adopting conservative measures. This will enable you to optimise your career luck, and in turn, help you embrace opportunities that would transpire into surprising results.


Your finances will not be looking good. Although you will not face problems earning through a steady income, you may face difficulties making ends meet if your earnings are commission-based. Not only will you not profit from investing and gambling, you might even be cheated of your money. As such, you should neither lend others money, nor be a guarantor. If you want to buy items of high monetary value, do your research before committing. If there are business or investment opportunities that sound too good to be true, they are probably not genuine. Apart from large medical bills, you will also be spending a lot on legal matters, and might even need to spend a huge sum to bail yourself out. Hence, stay out of trouble, pay attention to your health and safety, and avoid entangling yourself in legal issues. Instead of trying to gain substantial increase in your wealth, it may be more realistic to focus on retaining your wealth.


If you are single, this will likely to remain the same for this year. Your relationship will be rocky if you are seeing someone or married as your partner will feel that you have been neglecting him or her. When both of you are spending time together, there will be frequent stressful arguments which will cause you to take it out on your partner. Although there will be negativities from work, try not to let it affect your personal life, and let your partner know what is going on. Even though your partner may not be able to give you practical advice, your partner will give you emotional support and the strength to pull through.


You will likely to suffer from chronic illnesses that might require surgeries and invasive treatments such as dialysis and angioplasty for stent placement. You might also be involved with traffic accidents, or injuries caused by sharp objects. As you might face traffic accidents this year, if you have difficulties focusing, or if you are taking alcohol, do not drive. You may also want to reduce or avoid activities that can put you in high risk of injuries such as mountain climbing and biking on uneven terrain. As you might also be attacked by animals, pay attention to your pets, work environment, and be alert when around strays. You may even risk being physically attacked by others. As such, avoid straying into dark alleys, unfamiliar places, being in close proximities with fights, and avoid having direct confrontations with others. There may be life-threatening situations among family members.


You will be facing many problems related to getting along with others. Many will adopt underhanded means against you such as betrayals, backstabbing and plotting against you, while others will not hesitate to quarrel with you. You might even risk being physically attacked. Although you will be able to gain some support from others, the support will be too weak to benefit you and thus, you might not want to rely too much on others. As such, try to avoid trouble from the get go by adopting a friendly demeanour. This way, you will be able to protect yourself by reducing the number of enemies that you face.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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For those who are born in the Year of Ox, you will have a much better 2022 than 2021. Specifically, you will be exceptionally charming, and everybody will gravitate to you. Hence, you will be encouraged to advantage of this benefit to improve your life. There will also be a lot of social activities, and you will be encouraged to participate in them and these might present new opportunities for you. These social events might even help you relax better. In terms of your career, although you would see advancement, your financial situation might not be ideal. While you may gain wealth, there will be possibilities of getting into heavy debts as well. Your love life will be good, and you may welcome a new family member if you are married. Although your health will be poor and you might face some sudden problems, these are usually manageable if you are careful. Your main problem will be the many people who will try to plot against you, get you into scandals, or sabotage you into job loss or legal issues. The worst part of this is that these people might be your family or good friends. This will certainly cause emotional turmoil when you learn the truth, causing you to feel lonely despite company. It may not be easy, but try not to dwell too much on their behaviour. You can enjoy your popularity while being cautious of others. Your attention span this year will also be short, and you might tend to be make careless mistakes and get into trouble. As such, stay focused and alert at all times. You will have the opportunity to improve your life substantially in 2022, so make the best out of it.


This will be a good year for your career with indications of promotion and recognition, which will come with monetary benefits. You will be able to gain strong support from your management and peers, and will likely excel especially if you are in sales, marketing, or if you are a public figure. Your strong magnetism will charm everyone around you, and you will be encouraged to make good use of your popularity and support that others are willing to give you. However, you might face difficulties getting used to the limelight, and your reflex would be to stay away in the background and avoid office power struggles. As such you would rather plough through the pile of work given to you, and you might feel lonely even if you are getting attention from others. However, even if you stay away, office politics will still find you. Most of your problems will plot and threat to your career advancements, or events that might result in serious legal issues. Many of these perpetrators will be those you respect, and thought were your mentors or good friends. As such, you will be emotionally shaken when you discover their ill intentions. Such situations are likely to happen when you are careless, and when you are the most vulnerable. Thus, pull yourself together, be emotionally strong, and stay alert. Despite your reluctance, others will still be inadvertently attracted to or supportive towards you. Hence, stop resisting and start taking advantage of the accompanying benefits. No matter how friendly others can be, or how strong your relationships are, do not let your guard down. You are certainly not answerable to the actions of others. You should also pay attention to details, policies, and the law, instead of taking short cuts. There will be many sudden crises which can be easily resolved by having appropriate contingency plans in place. Although you have many opportunities presenting themselves in your career advancements, this may not be a suitable year to make drastic changes in your job. If you are looking for a change, you can consider changing your job scope, or move to another department instead.


There will be signs of increments if you are earning from a steady income. You will do exceptionally well if you earn through commissions, sales, or if you are a public figure. You will profit from investments, and would receive winnings from gambling. Although you will likely have substantial earnings, your finances will be very unstable, with risks of getting into heavy debts. Although there are chances of investment profits, any loss will far outweigh the earnings. Furthermore, you will incur huge expenses through social events such as wedding banquets or other extravagant activities. In order to take advantage of your luck and avoid heavy debts, you will need to keep your expenses in check, and spend within your means. If you were to invest or gamble, do so with low risks and small stakes, and do not borrow money for these ventures. By exercising these measures, you will be able to improve your finances.


Love is in the air. You will likely to fall in love if you are single. If you are already in a relationship, your relationship will likely improve. You will also welcome a new family member if you are already married. Although this will be a good year to improve your relationship, you will often feel that there is a void in your heart, and a strong sense of loneliness might lead you towards infidelity to fill this void. Such feeling of emptiness and loneliness are only temporary, and is not reflective of reality. Even if you were to stray, you will not feel satisfied, and might jeopardise your relationship instead. Instead of focusing too much on the emptiness and loneliness, you may want to focus on the positive side of your partner.


As your immune system will be weaker than usual, you will fall ill more frequently and for longer periods of time with common illnesses such as cough and flu. Apart from falling sick, you will have difficulties in sleeping, and may often experience chest pains. As such, you will be emotionally and mentally vulnerable. Apart from taking good care of your physical health by leading a healthy lifestyle, you will also need to pay attention to how you feel as well. You can consider engaging in activities that you enjoy, and can help you release stress appropriately. Although it is unlikely that you will suffer from severe illnesses, your poor physical and mental health will largely limit your progress in 2022. Thus, it is important to stay physically and mentally healthy.


You will be invincibly popular and be able to gain strong support from others. This will provide you with a lot of benefits throughout the year, which will provide you with the opportunities to improve many areas of your life. At the same time, this may give you the misconception that you have little or no problems getting along with others. On the contrary, there will be persistent problems caused by people of a specific nature. These will not be trivial problems like gossiping or finger-pointing. Instead, people will tend to plot against you with the intention of threatening you or cornering you into unfavourable situations such as getting into debts, losing your job, or causing you legal implications. The real setback will be that these perpetrators will be family and your most trusted friends. This will certainly sadden you. However, you need to pull yourself together, and be reminded that you are not responsible for others’ behaviour. Therefore, while you enjoy your popularity and support this year, do also protect yourself from others no matter how good you think your relationship with family and friends are.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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Those who are born in the Tiger Year will experience many extremities within a short period of time in 2022. For instance, you might be doing very well at one moment, and could immediately plunge into a rut in the next second. Furthermore, while you are still be trying to resolve a problem, you will be propelled to another issue of greater intensity in a split second. As such, you will face difficulties in appreciating how this year will unfold, and will likely get agitated most of the time. The many tribulations will likely take a toll on your physical and mental health. Although you will likely to do well in your career, your financial outlook will be poor. Your love life will be rather quiet if you are single, and if you are already in a relationship, matters will not be favourable for you. While your health and safety might be compromised, it will not lead to the extent of facing life-threatening situations. The main problem adversely affecting you professionally and personally will be the gossips and accusations towards you. These can be frustrating and upsetting for you, which might cause you to behave violently. As such, it is important that you control your temper and adhere to ethics, policies, and the law. Once you are able to practise self-control, you will be able to reduce and avoid potential problems. Buckle your seatbelt, and dive into the momentum when the opportunity arise to improve areas that you can do well in.


This will be a good year for your career. You will be given heavier responsibilities that will come with a promotion, but this may not necessarily mean a better remuneration. You will be at the top of your game in terms of learning, and you will be willing to put in effort in your work, which will eventually be recognized. Despite your frequent business trips, you are able to handle the hectic schedules, and still be able to pay attention to details. However, onto of the work trips, you might also need to consider relocation or have to move offices, which can be physically strenuous at work. Although you will be doing well at work, there will be potential problems to look out for. You will likely to experience a lot of sudden crises, and you should have contingency plans in place. These issues include unintentionally stepping on the toes of others, which will lead to gossips and accusations against you. Although these are out of your control, you can cushion its impact by adhering to the policy and laws of the company. Do keep in mind to retain paper and electronic trails in case you need proof of your innocence. It is also important that you choose your battles, and if the impact of these issues seem inconsequential, save yourself the energy to explain yourself, and just smile and walk away instead. It will be unlikely that others will confront you or verbally fight with you. As there are indications that some situations might push you to initiate a fight, it is important that you keep your temper in check. Once you resort to violence, you will be in the wrong. Thus, handle problems professionally and do not let your emotions take over. Although this may not be a smooth-sailing year at work, you will still have many favourable conditions that will enable you to cushion the impact from the potential problems, and enjoy good career advancements.


The outlook of your finances in 2022 will be grim. There will be cashflow issues and financial troubles. Not only are you unlikely to profit from investments and gambling, you will be losing money faster than your other expenses. Generally, there will be many incidents along the year that will require you to spend money. While there will be continuous expenses with little or no increase in your income, you will likely eat into your savings. You can only try your best to avoid risky investments, gambling, and keep your expenses in check.


Your relationship front will be quiet, and if you are single, it is not likely that you will end up in a relationship. Not only do you not have any favourable conditions for relationships, this domain is also not your priority. If you are seeing someone or married, you will be too busy to spend time with your partner, and this might cause arguments between you and partner. Furthermore, trivial matters will adversely aggravate you, and each argument will cause further dent to the relationship. You will need to learn how to let go, especially those that will not have any major impact on your life. That way, you will have less pressure, and be more objective in your comments. Instead of losing your temper, focus on conveying your message amicably and effectively. This will enable your partner to understand you better in this frustrating year. Even if you may not look towards improving your relationship, you do not have to cause irreversible damage to your relationship.


Your health will be poor, and amidst the various health conditions, you will likely suffer from digestive issues and hormonal imbalance. You will likely to have irregular meals whereby you might be stuffing your face silly at one point, and lose your appetite for days after. Thus, no matter your schedule or appetite, try to have meals at specific times, and consume moderately. Overeating will only put unnecessary stress on your body, while starving yourself will lead to other health issues. Do take care of your eating habits to reduce digestive problems. If you notice that you have other health issues, you may want to seek professional help. You will also be accident prone, and thus you should avoid engaging in high-risk activities such as mountain climbing and scuba-diving. If you have too many thoughts on your mind or are feeling unsettled, do not drive, operate machines or handle sharp tools. As you might lose your temper easily, you will likely suffer from some injuries from fights even if you are the attacker. Thus, keep your temper in check. There will be many issues that require your attention, and you will need to keep your health and body in good condition, so that you will be in a better position to handle those matters.


You will tend to offend many people in 2022. Although it is unlikely that you will face direct confrontations, there will be many gossips and accusations directed at you. Although you cannot control others, you can reduce a fair share of problems by adhering to ethics, policy and the law. Although it can be upsetting if others were to accuse you, you should pick your battles. If matters are serious, you will need to gather evidence to clear your name and protect yourself. There are indications that you will get so angry that you will attack someone in 2022. Being accused will be one of the reasons that can cause you to be very angry. Bear in mind that no matter how angry you are, you will in the wrong if you turn violent. As such, it will be important to control your temper and remember that most of the time, the best revenge and retaliation to those who try to cause harm to you is to be happy. Problems caused by people will be one of the main problems you will face in 2022. By reducing impacts from them, you will be able to have a better 2022.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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2022 will be a much better than 2021 for those born in the Rabbit Year. You will be energetic and enthusiastic, and your positive outlook and attitude will be contagious and attractive. Although you may not necessarily be promoted at work, your effort will be recognised, and there will be some increments. Many will be supportive, and would help you reduce or avoid potential problems. The best part is that you will enjoy what you are doing. Your main source of wealth will be better than average, while your earnings on the side will be slightly below average. Your health will be poor. Relationship matters will be a mix of positives and negatives. If you are in a committed relationship, you might commit adultery or become a third party, which may result in separation. If the affairs happen in the workplace, the severity of the problem will be amplified to affect your livelihood, and damage your reputation. Thus, do not let a spur of excitement cause irreversible damage to your life and stain the year. Even though 2022 will be a better year than 2021, there will still be some problems to look out for, especially with the affairs, and gossips about you. You cannot control what others’ talk about, and this should not pose as big problem if you simply let situations play themselves out.


Your enthusiasm at work will be contagious, and as a result, your management will give you the support that you need, and your peers will want to be part of your team. Despite the lack of promotions or minimal increments, you will still enjoy what you are doing. Although your job may not be smooth sailing, you will still feel that situations will be manageable because many will be willing to help you reduce or circumvent problems. It will be unlikely that you will offend people, but you will seem to attract gossip easily and many will talk about you. Usually, this should not pose as any major problem to you, but this can be devastating when it is coupled with other problems which you will likely to get into at the same time. You will likely have office affairs whereby you will either be committing adultery, or be a third party. When gossips spread like wildfire and catch the attention of your management, you will be placed under investigation. Your professionalism might be questioned, and you might possibly lose your job. No matter how exciting tasting the forbidden fruit can be, do not put your reputation and profession at risk. If you are already in a relationship, there might possibly be a separation. There will be too much to lose this year, so if you do not implicate yourself in office romantic affairs, the gossips will have little impact on you, and you might still continue to enjoy what you will be doing.


If you are earning through a steady income, there might be an increment. However, your side income will not be as favourable. It will be unlikely that you will receive huge profits from investments or winnings from gambling, but there will still be some profits and winnings. You can consider low risk investments and low stakes gambles. Although earnings and winnings may be small, the total amount can be huge if you were to continuously earn and win. If you were to get into high-risk investments and high stakes gambling, you might incur huge losses instead. Hence, the trick will be to focus on your day job, and only engage in low-risk investments and low stakes gambling. If you cannot do so, you can consider refraining from investing and gambling altogether.


If you are single, you will likely get into a relationship in 2022. However, you will likely fall in and out of relationships a few times throughout the year. This will be a good year to expand your social circle and make more friends. You may meet with people whose sole intention is to take advantage of you, or you might become a third party. If you were to meet someone whom you like, give yourself more time to know each other before making a long-term commitment, and do not rush into a relationship. If you are already seeing someone or married, you might have affairs. Do not impulses ruin your existing relationship. Instead of jeopardising your relationship, you may want to focus on making improvements so as to strengthen the bond, and make your partner a more stable and supportive anchor for you.


Your health will be slightly below average, with illnesses such as cold, flu, digestive issues, appetite problems, and spleen issues plaguing you. If you face persistent digestive and appetite issues, you may want to seek for professional help to treat your conditions before they can escalate to something nasty. You should not have safety issues.


Many will be friendly towards you, and you will be getting support from others. However, while everything will seem fine, you will not be spared from problems caused by people, such as the many gossips about you. Although this may not cause significant damage to you at a small scale, it will be entirely different if things blow up via the tabloid or news. One of your greatest vulnerabilities will be the public exposure of your affairs, which may cause you to lose your job and reputation. If you are already in a relationship, there might be a separation, or you might be the third party in an affair where you would be forced to end things. Although you may not need to be paranoid, you will still need to get your act together, and avoid getting into affairs no matter how exciting it is. The price for this mistake is too high. You cannot control others gossiping about you, but you can control the escalation of it.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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This will be a strenuous year for you with matters you will need to deal with that would be effortful and never-ending. Amongst these are possibilities of travel, house moving, problems at work, and even cash flow restrictions. Your health, safety, and love life will also be poor. To make things worse, while you are facing multitudes of problems at work, your family members will also require a lot of your attention. They may get into trouble, or face life-threatening situations. Your house may also be involved in disputes, being broken into or suffer from accidents. Although you have two lucky stars that could neutralize problems, they will not be of significant help this year. What will transpire throughout 2022 will cause you a lot of frustration, and you will question why such misfortunes seem to keep befalling you. As a result, your confidence will be badly affected, causing you to be in a bad mood most of the time, and compromising your ability to handle challenges or receive help. This will certainly worsen your situation. Although you cannot change your situation, you can adopt a positive attitude, which might help you hold your head above water. If you are able to survive the year, these situations will gradually improve.


While this cannot be regarded as a devastating year for your career, it will be a strenuous and unfruitful one. You will be facing challenges of all kinds, ranging from natural disasters, technical difficulties, to intentional problems that others might cause you, which will largely affect your work. Even unlikely problems occur once you take on a project. Although you will gain support from others, this support will be insufficient to be of any help. You will experience a lot of delays, and some of your projects might even be canned. Although you are willing to be in effort in your work, these efforts might not pay off, causing you to be frustrated and impatient in your handling of matters, or dealings with people. This would further cause you to move your tasks in the wrong direction, and might threaten your office relations. As a result, instead of being supportive or neutral towards you, many will likely become your enemy, and cause even more problems for you. To break out from this vicious cycle, work on maintain cordial and neutral relationships at work, and control your attitude so as not to escalate situations further. Furthermore, you may need to relocate due to work, and this will not be a good year for major project implementations. Simply give your best, while focusing on surviving the year. Stay out of trouble, and keep a low profile.


With little or no pay increments, delays in payments, poor luck in investments or gambling, you will likely face difficulties in making ends meet. You can consider refraining from taking any financial risks as you are not in a position to cushion any setbacks in this area. Furthermore, your expenses will be very high, and you might not be able to cope. You will be spending a lot on traveling, house moving, relocating, medical bills, and family matters. Although it will be very unlike of you, you might need to penny-pinch in 2022.


Relationship matters will be bad. If you are single, your tired and unapproachable demeanour might steer potential suitors away. Those who are interested in developing a relationship might change their minds. If you are in a relationship or married, you will be busy, or travel so much that you cannot spend time with your partner. When you do spend the limited time together, there will be fierce arguments. The quarrels will be so serious that it could lead to separation if not well managed. Thus, try to control your temper as there will be nothing nice uttered during heated arguments. If you have nothing nice to talk about, refrain from talking, and give yourself time to calm down before communicating with your partner. Your partner might also face life-threatening situations, and you will be worried for your partner.


Your health and safety will be poor, and your family’s health and safety might also be in danger. You might neglect your health as you might be busy, or constantly on the road. There will also be a lot problems that might cause you to be in bad mood and under highly stressed. You will likely loose your appetite and not receive sufficient rest, causing strain on your immune system. As a result, you will fall ill frequently and for a longer period of time. You might even suffer from critical illnesses and will need to undergo surgeries or receive invasive treatments. You will have difficulties being focused, resulting in risks of fatal accidents. You might even suffer from illnesses or safety issues that could immobilise you. No matter how hard it is, do not neglect your health and safety as they are crucial for you to pull through 2022.


You will be facing many problems caused by people intentionally. However, such problems are one of many problems you will face, and your focus would be shifted to those of higher priorities. Although you will gain some support from others, this is insufficient. There will be many frustrating and unpleasant matters arising in 2022, causing you to be in a bad mood most of the time. This will affect your attitude, your interactions with others, and the way you handle matters. You will tend to be impatient and curt. Even though others may not be helpful to you, it is still not worthwhile to gain an enemy. While not everyone can be your friend, at least aim for everyone to maintain neutrality towards you. Do pay attention to your demeanour. One less enemy is an added bonus.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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This can be considered a good year for those born in the year of the Snake. Although there will be some sudden crises you will need to handle, you will still likely do well at work. You might receive pay increments if you were to earn through a steady income. Luck in investments and gambling will be better than average, but is still not as good as what you can earn from your steady income. Your health will be poor. You may get into a relationship if you are single, but the chances are not very high. If you already in a relationship, you will have more tensions with your partner. Apart from having better luck than usual, you will gain support from others, which bring you convenience. There will be two potential problems that you will need to take note of. Firstly, the less worrying problem is that many gossips about you. Although this can be frustrating, they cannot cause any significant damage to you, and you can treat these gossips as noise. Secondly, you might be inclined to cause harm to people who have helped you before. You may sabotage them, hijack their opportunities, or mislead them. Whether or not you succeed in hurting them, they will definitely be utterly disappointed in you. The consequences will be detrimental to your reputation, and the damage to reconcile, and many will shun you as a result. You do not need to resort to such means in order to do well in 2022. Compete fairly, and you will be well rewarded.


This will be a good year for your career, and you will likely receive good news such as job opportunities, promotions, and recognitions, together with situations and projects working in your favour. You will receive strong support from authorities, management, and peers without even needing to spend too much time and effort building rapport with them. While you will have many favorable conditions to excel in your career, it will not be a bed of roses. You will encounter many obstacles that can strike unexpectedly, and they can be caused by people intentionally or not. Furthermore, many will gossip about you, creating noise and frustration for you. Though these may irritate you, it would not cause any significant damage. Thus, you should not let this affect you too much. You will be forgetful, careless, and get distracted easily. This will likely cause you to make mistakes often, and it will be difficult for you to learn or handle details. As such, you might want to come up with some techniques that can help you remember and keep track of matters. It would be important to note that there are indications that you will cause harm to people who have helped you before, such as your mentors or colleagues who regard you as their buddy. You will sabotage them, intercept their opportunities, or jeopardise their plans. No matter how seamlessly you think you will carry out these misdeeds, they will be revealed, and your credibility will be severely damaged. Even though your victims will be badly affected emotionally, they will not have direct confrontations with you. They will wait patiently and do you in when the time is right. It will be alright to be competitive, but this does not give you reason to resort to underhanded means against others, especially those who have help you before. This will be a good year to improve your career without requiring to resort to any underhanded means and sacrificing your credibility.


Your main wealth will be good. There will be signs of pay increments if you were to earn through a steady income. Profits from investments and winnings from gambling will be better than in other years, but will not be exceptionally good. You can engage in investments and gambling, but do not do that extensively. Although you will incur huge and unexpected expenses, your financial resources are sufficient to cope with these. Thus, it will be unlikely that you will have cash flow restrictions or financial troubles.


If you are single, there will be some possibilities of meeting someone special, or fall in love. However, the chances are not very high. This will definitely be a good year to expand your social circle and make more friends, but you may not need to rush into making long-term commitment. If you are already in a relationship or married, there will be frequent squabbles. You will tend to nag extensively or be sarcastic towards your partner, and this might cause extensive damage to your relationship. These tensions can be minor, but still can cause a lot of frustration and long-term damage to your relationship. Do control your temper, and take note of how you interact with your partner.


Your health will be poor. You are prone to health conditions that strike fast and unexpectedly, such as heart attack and stroke. There will be possibilities of receiving surgeries or invasive treatments. Although it will be unlikely that you will have life-threatening situations, your health conditions can limit your mobility, cause you to feel defeated, and compromise your performance at work. You may want to pay attention to your lifestyle such as having a balanced diet, getting regular exercise, and having adequate rest. It will be vital for you manage your emotions by not getting too worked out or excited. Your safety will be slightly below average, but as long as you are careful, you will be able to reduce or avoid accidents.


There will be many who will gossip about you, but this is unlikely to cause you significant damage. Besides, you will be able to gain strong support from others without having to spend too much time on social activities. Although you will gain support from others, you will still feel lonely, or feel that others are unable to provide you with the support that you need. Such feelings will be different from reality. Your main problem is the tendency to cause harm to those who have helped you before. You might sabotage them, intercept their opportunities, or lie to them. No matter how trivial you may think these deeds are, the harm will be far worse. Although others who are aware of your deeds may not confront you directly, your credibility would be lost. They will likely stay away from you, and wait for an opportunity to do you in. Even though they have helped you before, they could also bring you to your downfall. Although you may think that you will not need extensive help from others, this help would not be there when you really need it. You will also notice that plans that have previously been progressing well would suddenly face obstacles after you have caused harm to others. Thus, do not take others for granted, and do not do unto others what you would not do unto yourself.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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Although there will be ups and downs along the year, there will be more good times than bad for those born in the Horse Year. You will likely have substantial progress in your career, but pay increments might or might not occur if you were to earn through a steady income. However, if you are in sales, marketing, or a commission based job, you will get an increment. With good luck in investments and gambling, you will be reap good financial returns this year. You will also be able to gain strong support from others without needing to spend too much time on social activities. Affairs of the heart will be rather quiet if you are single, and there will be some unhappiness if you are already in a relationship. Your health and safety will be poor. Your main issues are from problems caused by people. There will be extensive gossips about you, betrayals, misdirections, sabotage, and plots. There will be high risk of people trying to get you into legal troubles where the consequences will be devastating. Hence, do not be too trusting. Abide by policies and the law. If you can reduce or stay away from problems of this nature, you will be able to improve your life significantly.


You will likely have good career progression, promotion, recognition, and have ample opportunities to showcase your strengths. Although it is unclear if you would get an increment if you were to have a steady income, you will likely earn much more than usual if your salary is earned through commission, sales, or marketing. Your ability to garner support will be effortless. Although there will be people having direct conflicts with you occasionally, you would remain your cool and not be outrightly confrontational. However, there will be many matters going on behind the scenes that could hurt you. There will be a lot of betrayals, gossips, and devious plots to sabotage you so that you either get into trouble with the law, or miss career opportunities. Thus, do not be too trusting. Gather and verify important information by yourself, and follow policies and the law. If you are unsure, seek help from your legal department or relevant professionals. Give yourself adequate time to go through the details in contracts and agreements. Keep paper and electronic trails to protect yourself in case others were to accuse you. If you can protect yourself against unscrupulous people, and avoid getting involved in scandals and legal troubles, you will likely to scale up the corporate ladder.


If you are earning through a steady income, there may not be much changes to your income. If your income is commission-based, or you are in sales or marketing, your salary will likely increase. On the other hand, your luck in investments and gambling will be good. You will likely gain huge profits from investment and winnings from gambling. However, there will be many who will try to mislead you, or get you into trouble, which can result in huge losses. You will need to gather vital information by yourself and use your own judgment. You will also have high risk of getting into legal troubles which can be costly. Thus, do not take risks through illegal activities and abide by the law when trying to improve your finances. If you can take note of these points mentioned, you will likely reap significant profits.


Matters of the heart will not be your top priority if you are single. You will be dedicating a lot of your time and energy on your career. Hence, it will be unlikely that you will get into a relationship if you are single. If you are already in a relationship, you will find your partner’s behaviour suspicious. It may not have anything to do with your partner’s behaviour, but more of what others have been feeding you. As a result, there will be conflicts between you and your partner. Do not be too trusting and jump to conclusions. Instead of interrogating your partner, clarify things, or have open conversations with them. Relationships cannot be built on lack of trust. Thus, handle your relationship with care. Take this opportunity to understand your partner and yourself better.


You will be prone to health conditions specific to hormone imbalance. You may have thyroid-related illnesses and auto-immune issues. The auto-immune issues can range from having rashes or blisters, to organ failures. Do not hesitate to seek professional help. You may also require minor surgeries, or face accidents. You may also be mugged. Thus, avoid straying into dark alleys or unfamiliar places, and do not flaunt your valuables in public. As you might be attacked by animals, pay attention to your safety if you have pets, or work with animals. Do not go near stray animals.


You will be facing a lot of problems caused by people, ranging from direct conflicts, or harm caused by underhanded means. Although there will be people who might be verbally abusive to you throughout the year, you would be able to remain your cool, and face these conflicts only when everyone has calmed down. Do not try to reason or communicate with an angry person as it will be difficult to communicate effectively. Having said that, you will not have control over those who try to harm you behind your back, and these could cause severe or detrimental consequences. Many will gossip about you, betray you, and mislead you. Many will plot against you. Apart from types of problems mentioned earlier, they will also try to get you into legal trouble. Even though you will gain strong support from others, the support cannot eradicate harm of this nature. Others cannot be watching your back all the time. Thus, it will be important that you diligently gather and verify pertinent information. Do not be gullible. Adhere to policies and the law, and do not be presumptuous. Seek help from professionals when required. If you can protect yourself from problems caused by people, you will be able to make the best out of this year and sail smoothly through the year.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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This will be a good year for those born in the Year of the Goat. You will be popular, and can gain strong support from others. This will provide you with a lot of convenience and benefits at work, and would increase your income if you are in sales, marketing, events management, and corporate presentations. However, your income will likely remain the same if you earn from a steady income. With huge expenses, your finances will be strained. Relationship matters will be good if you are single, but your relationship will be at risk if you are already in a relationship. Although your health and safety will be poor, you would not face life-threatening situations. Your main problem will be the gossips arising from your popularity. Anything that you say or do will be magnified, and spun into stories. Hence, always remain humble, and keep a low profile even when you are popular. This will help to reduce the impact from gossips towards you. You will also have a short attention span, causing you to make mistakes. Thus, pull yourself together, and stay alert. Although there will be some knocks and bumps along 2022, you will have many opportunities to improve your life substantially. Embrace opportunities that come along. Go get them!


This will be a good year for your career. You will be given heavier responsibilities and authoritative power, but this may or may not come with a promotion. You will excel if you are in sales, marketing, or if your job requires you to engage in corporate events extensively. Your salary will likely remain the same if you were to earn through a steady income, but you will earn a lot more if you are in sales, marketing or a commission-based job. You will be glowing with popularity, and can gain strong support from others easily. You will also be persuasive and convincing, which will provide you with a lot of support from others who would watch your back and clear the path for you. While you will be a rising star, you will likely attract jealousy, and many will gossip about you. Your popularity will a double-edged sword. While it can bring you convenience and benefits, it will also magnify your actions. When gossip about you spread like wildfire, it could distort reality, and the consequences can be detrimental. Even though you may not lose your job, your professionalism will be questioned, and your support network might shun you. Hence, while you demonstrate your strengths and seize opportunities, you will also need to keep a low profile. This might keep any gossip in check. Apart from having tongues waging about you, you might also face some sudden crises, and you should have contingency plans in place. You will tend to be careless, forgetful, and get distracted easily. This may cause you to make mistakes and misjudgements. You may want to have plans in place to keep track of matters, and allocate adequate time to gather information and go through details. You will have the chance to excel in your career in 2022. Open your arms and get ready for it.


Your financial outlook will not be good. Although you will have cash-flow restrictions, it should not lead to huge financial problems. Your salary might not increase if you were to earn through a steady income, but if you are in sales, marketing or a commission-based job, your salary will increase substantially. Your investment and gambling luck will be average. You might want to refrain from high risk investments and high stakes gambling. You will also incur a lot of expenses. Even though each expense may not be huge, continuous spending will still amount to an astronomical sum, and can put a strain on your finances. Adopt a conservative approach to your finances.


If you are single, you will likely get into a relationship. If you are already in a relationship, you will be able to improve your relationship. You and partner will have a lot of quality time together, and you may welcome a new family member if you are already married. While you can improve your relationship, there will be strong indications that you might have affairs, which might cause permanent damage. You will have a choice of improving your relationship, or ruining it. Make the right choice.


You will have poor health. Most of the health issues will be related to over-indulgence in exquisite food, excessive sexual activities, and over-consumption of alcohol. You will lack of rest, and be prone to road and traffic accidents such as drink driving. If you drink, do not drive. Although you should not face life-threatening situations, your health and safety issues will cause you to be lethargic, and hinder your progress and compromise your judgment. Your health and safety are the foundation of success. Thus, do not abuse them.


There will be many gossiping about you, and although this would not usually cause you major harm, 2022 will be different. Since you will be in the limelight this year, the impact of the gossip will be magnified, and situations can get out of hand when reality is distorted. Not only will your personal image and professionalism be affected, you might lose opportunities and peer support. This will neutralise the good events you have 2022, making this neither an exceptional or negative year for you. You cannot control what others plan to say about you, but you are responsible for not giving anyone the opportunity to use your words or situations against you. Even though there will be a lot of gossip about you, you will gain strong support from others easily as many adore you. As long as you play your part well, it will be easier for you to retain the support others have for you.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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2022 will be a challenging but manageable year for those born in the Year of the Monkey. You will likely take on challenges in different aspects of your life, such as fire-fighting at work, attention needed on family matters, serious health conditions, and poor personal safety. Relationships will not be your top priority if you are single, and there will be a lot of tension if you are already seeing someone or married. You will likely to get into financial problems if you have not been saving for the past few years. Even though you will receive help from others, this will not be sufficient for the magnitude of problems you will face. As you will be very busy, or there will be frequent traveling, you should pace yourself and have adequate rest from time to time while putting in your best efforts to deal with situations at hand. The problems and situations will be endless, and if you do not have adequate rest, there will be a high risk of your spreading yourself too thin that you will collapse. There are indications of house moving and relocating as well. This will be a year that will put your stamina, courage and confidence to test. Avoid implementing major plans in this year, and do not hope to solve all problems. Instead, focus on stabilising situations. If you can survive through this year, you will already be a winner.


Your career will be rocky, and there will be a lot of problems coming at you from all directions. Many people will make things difficult for you by objecting your ideas, not being cooperative towards you, and obstructing your plans. There will also be many problems of other nature such as technical issues, or natural disasters that can jeopardise your plans. There will also be a lot of sudden crises, and you will find yourself busy fire-fighting all year round. As such, you will not have the luxury of free time. On top of that, you may need to relocate, or will have to make frequent business trips. Even though you will be willing to put in effort in your career, situations will unlikely improve. Although you will gain support from others, this will be too insignificant to improve situations. Most of the time, you will find yourself having to make stops to problem solve, hindering your movements or progression in the meantime. However, even with the multitude of work given to you, you should not work long hours as you might burn out, and situations might not improve even if you work endlessly. It may not be easy, but try to pace yourself and do not implement aggressive career plans. You will be encouraged to focus on stabilizing situations and keeping a low profile. The golden rule of this year will be to keep a low profile, and you will likely survive. As it will be a tough battle to fight, you may want to have adequate rest both physically and mentally before 2022 to prepare yourself better.


Your finances will be poor. Even though you may not have problems earning money, your financial resources will not be able to cope with your huge expenses. Not only will you have cash flow problems, you will also likely face financial troubles. It will not even be easy to keep your expenses in check because most of your expenses will be necessary and beyond your control. Your luck in investment and gambling will also be weak. Hence, you may want to avoid investing and gambling as you cannot afford to take any risks in money matters. Your ability to pull through the financial crisis this year will all depend on whether you have been saving substantially over the years. If you have been doing so, you will be able to reduce the impact of the financial problems.


This will be a bad year for relationship matters. You will be busy, always on the road, and there will be many issues that will cause you to be emotionally and mentally tired. If you are single, relationship matters will be of low priority, and it will be unlikely that you will get into a relationship. If you are seeing someone or if you are married, you will not be able to spend adequate time with your partner, causing him or her to feel neglected. As a result, you and partner will have frequent fights, and you should try to keep your temper in check. There are indications your partner may get into trouble or face life-threatening situations, and you will be worried for your partner.


Your health and safety will be poor, and you will be prone to having health conditions that related to growths in your body. This can range from tissue growth, cancer, benign or malignant tumor. You will have surgeries or might require other invasive treatments. You may also suffer from severe injuries, with possibilities of amputations, which may be the result of your health conditions, or treatments of injuries. You may be physically attacked by others, or you may be unlucky enough to be embroiled in a fight as a mere passer-by. You may also suffer from health or injuries that could immobilize you. Even though you should not face life-threatening situations, your health and safety issues can be severe. Thus, you will need to pay attention to your health and safety.


Although there will be a lot of betrayals, backstabbing and scandals, these will be one of the many problems you might overlook as you will be busy fire-fighting many other problems. Instead of acknowledging that you have problems getting along with others, you will probably feel that 2022 will just be a bad year. You should be careful to not be too gullible, and do not participate in gossips. You may want to gather important information by yourself, and keep a low profile. You should also avoid getting involved in matters that do not impact you directly. Although practicing what has been mentioned will not eradicate your problems with others entirely, it might alleviate things slightly. There will be so many problems that every effort counts.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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2022 will be a good year for those born in the Year of the Rooster. You will have and enjoyable time with substantial progress at work. There will be little problems that others would cause you, and you will gain strong support from others, which will provide you with opportunities and convenience. Your finances will also be better than in other years, but you will incur high expenses, which may result in cash-flow problems. Your love life will be good if you are already in a relationship, but it will not be good enough for you to eventually tie the knot. Although this will be a good year, most of your potential problems are related to your health and safety, and they arise due to an over-indulgence in good food, drinking and sexual activities. You will be distracted from your work, and lose focus in what you will be doing, which will in turn cripple your career and finances. Although it will be alright to have fun and pamper yourself from time to time, you will need to have your priorities right. Balancing work and play, and having moderation in all things will be important for you to achieve good progress while having fun in 2022.


You will likely progress well in your career with opportunities to demonstrate your strengths and strong support from your management and peers. There will also be a possibility of promotion and better privileges. If you were to earn through a steady income, the chances of increments is unclear. However, if you are in marketing, sales or commission-based roles, there will be increments. While you may not be very interested in the heavy responsibility and hectic schedule, you will enjoy participating in work-related social events. Apart from having good food and fun, you will enjoy mingling with others. It is easier for you to execute your plans and get things done accordingly mainly because many will reduce or solve problems for you, and watch your back. Hence, you face little problems that others might cause, and will benefit a lot from the support others render. However, there will still be some problems to take note of. These include technical issues, operational problems, and natural disasters that will disrupt your plans. Many of these problems will arise as sudden crises, and it will be helpful to have contingency plans in place. Your focus will also be weak, which will put you at disadvantage in terms of learning and handling details. You would possibly indulge in the work-related social events that you would neglect your work. Thus, get your priorities right. Your privileges in being invited to these events is based on the virtue of your performance and likability, and once you slacken, you might be treated otherwise. Thus, stay humble, be serious, and focus on your work. This will be a good year to execute your plans and have substantial progress while having fun.


If you were to earn from a steady income, this should remain the same. If your job is related to marketing and sales, or if your income is commission-based, there will be a possibility of an increment. Your investment and gambling luck is average. There will be some earnings from low-risk investments and low stakes gambling. However, if you were to go into high-risk investments or high stakes gambling, you will likely burn a big hole in your pocket. You will have huge expenses along the year, which will be on medical expenses, good food, entertainment, and enjoyment. You may want to consider reducing your expenses. It will be alright to pamper yourself from time to time, but try not to over-indulge. Save the money on essentials such as medical instead of indulgences.


If you are single, the chances of falling in love are equally high as the chances of having your heart broken. This will be a good year to make more friends, but it is not suitable for long term commitments. If you were to meet someone you like this year, you can consider giving yourself more time to know each other better before committing to a long-term relationship. If you are already in a relationship, you and partner will have a lot of enjoyable time together. This will be a good year to re-ignite the sparks in your love life and improve your relationship. However, there are indications that you might have affairs. Do not risk your relationship for a short-term excitement. As long as you have your priorities right and exercise self-control, you can easily avoid these seductions.


Your health will be poor. You will be prone to health conditions that strike fast, such as heart attacks and stroke. There might be risks of digestive issues, alcohol poisoning and sexually transmitted diseases. You will also suffer from injuries, but these should be minor and avoidable. Although you will have many opportunities to appreciate fine things in life, over-indulging in these activities can be harmful to your health. Moderation in all things will be a golden rule for you to maintain good health and a healthy lifestyle. You might also suffer from injuries related to drink-driving and accidents under the influence of drugs. If you have difficulties in focusing, do not drive or walk around. Even though you will be doing well in 2022, your health and safety will be so bad that it can cripple you. Do pay attention to your health and safety.


There will be some problems getting along with others, but this will be considered small compared to other years. It will be easy for you to make friends, get help from others, and have people watch your back. Hence, you will find that many problems can be reduced or resolved easily. However, you may not want to take others for granted. Be appreciative for their support, and be humble. In that way, you will be able to gain friendships and allies. At the same time, being friendly does not mean that you have to be gullible. You will still need to practice the basic precautions such as gathering and verifying important information. Avoid sharing confidential and sensitive information. It will be easy for you to make friends than enemies in this year. Take this opportunity to expand your social circle.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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2022 will be a challenging but manageable year for those born in the Year of the Dog. You will be facing much more challenges than in other years, and support from others will be lacking. There will be a lot of teething problems at work and at the family front. Your income will not be able to cope with your expenses. Getting into a relationship if you are single will be unlikely, and you will have a lot of tension with your partner if you are already in a relationship. On top of that, your health and safety will also be poor. With all these, it will be inevitable for you to feel frustrated, and ‘why me’ will echo in your mind frequently. This will push you into isolating yourself, and doing things your way. This will cause you to lose track of what is going on around you, which would lead to misjudgments. This will further get you into bigger trouble and problems. No matter how reluctant it will be for you, you will need to be keep an open mind about what is going on around you, and what others are trying to tell you. You can engage in activities that can help you release negative emotions that you may have. The best part is that there will be light at the end of the tunnel. Your efforts will pay off, and you will likely be well rewarded in the second half of the year. Trust yourself, persevere, and learn to overcome challenges without locking yourself up in an ivory tower.


This will be an eventful year where you will find yourself dragging your feet across a knee-high swamp. There will be a lot of problems coming at you from different directions. There will be betrayals, backstabbing and sabotaging. You will likely have arguments with others. You will be faced with a wide range of problems, ranging from technical issues, natural disasters and faulty business processes. Avoid trusting others, and go through details of important matters by yourself. Support from others will be lacking, and you will need to rely a lot on yourself. Thus, resolve conflicts amicably. You will have the tendency of isolating yourself and indulging in your own world. Often, you will likely ignore others’ advice and opinions, and go ahead with your own plans. You will be fine if your plans become successful, but you could suffer from severe consequences if your plans were to fail. You do not need to oblige in adopting everything other advice, but you should also not entirely isolate yourself. You will need to strike a balance between both. Never object for the sake of objecting. You can have your own plans, and still let others share their opinions. You can adopt some of their suggestions if they are sound, and incorporate them in your overall plans. If you disagree with others, you can express your opinions tactfully. You will likely have a foul mood most of the time, which can lead to misjudgements and more problems. It may not be easy, but try not to let your mood affect your judgment and the way you handle matters. You will need to participate in activities that allow you to release the negative emotions. Always remind yourself to be objective. The good news will be that even though it will be painful to plough through your career, situations will turn in your favour, and your plans will eventually materialise. Your efforts will pay off. You will see the rainbow after the storm.


There will be possibility of pay increments if you were to earn through a steady income. There will be a huge jump in your salary if your job involves creativity and innovation. However, your investment and gambling luck will be poor. You will likely make wrong judgments, and ended up incurring huge losses. Hence, refrain investing and gambling. Your expenses will be very high, especially medical ones. Even though it is unlikely that you will get into financial troubles, your finances will be strained, and your increments will not be enough to cope with your expenses. It will be better if you can do your best to keep your expenses in check.


Relationship matters will be quiet. If you are single, this will likely to remain the same. Although you may feel lonely, you will seem not to be keen to be in a relationship. You will rather spend time in getting things done, and doing things that you enjoy. If you are already in a relationship, you will feel that your partner cannot support you the way you want, or that your partner does not understand you. You and your partner may have arguments, or you will rather keep to yourself. Try not to judge your partner or your relationship at this time. You will be going through a lot of emotions that your judgement will be clouded. If you really feel uncomfortable or frustrated, keeping to yourself will be better than spending time with your partner and exchanging harsh words.


Your health and safety will be poor. You should not have life-threatening situations, but your poor health and safety will add on to the problems that you will need to face. You will likely have a weak immune system which can cause you to fall ill frequently, and for longer periods. You will have digestive problems, chest pains, and insomnia. You will likely suffer from injuries, or require surgeries or invasive treatments. These can be serious. Avoid engaging in high-risk activities such as scuba diving, jet diving, and mountain climbing. If you have difficulties focusing, do not operate machines, handle sharp tools, or drive. Apart from having physical health and safety issues, there will be risk of suffering from emotional and mental breakdowns. You may want to pay attention to how you feel, and participate in activities that allow you to release negative emotions from time to time.


You will be facing many problems that are caused by people intentionally. There will be a lot of backstabbing, betrayal and sabotaging. They will gossip about you, and plot against you. There will also be direct conflicts with others. Many will be making things difficult for you by jeopardising your plans. Support from others will be lacking, and you will need to rely on yourself to fend off these problems. Do not be too trusting, and always collect sensitive and important information by yourself. Although you will be sickened by how nasty others can be, do not retaliate by being sarcastic, or having shouting matches with them. Your best revenge will be to protect yourself well and live well. Being very bothered by what is going on around you, you will be inclined to isolate yourself and indulge in your own world. It will be alright to have your own space, but do not live in an ivory tower. You cannot be successful by being alone. Do not oppose to, or ignore whatever others tell you. Instead, you will be encouraged to verify and sift through other people’s suggestion, and consider those that are applicable for you. This will help you save a lot of trouble and time.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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This will be a good year for those born in the Pig Year. You will likely to have good progress at work. Your finances will be strong, but you may have difficulties saving. Your love life will improve as well. You will receive good news in various aspects of your life, and will also be able to gain strong help from others easily. However, your health and safety will be poor. There will be people getting upset with your success and you being happy. They will likely gossip about you, mislead and sabotage you, or plot against you. Often, you are able to solve problems and be able to get the necessary help if you cannot handle them. However, your greatest enemy will be your own soft-heartedness. You will get emotional and blame yourself for their actions. You will have the tendency of walking into their traps willingly. You will play the victim and refuse help when others try to help you. You will need to pull yourself together and be emotionally strong. You deserve to be successful and happy. If people disagree and want to cause harm to you, you will need to teach them who not to trifle with. Being merciful to your enemy is being cruel to yourself. You do not need to be on your toes all the time in 2022, but you should at least prioritise yourself and be strong mentally and emotionally. This will enable you to optimise your progress in 2022.


You will be given many opportunities to progress at work. Even though you may be given heavier responsibilities, you will be able to display your strengths, and there will also be promotion, recognition and better remuneration. You will gain strong support from your bosses, and they will provide you with opportunities, reduce and solve problems for you, and watch your back. As you will be seen as a rising star, some will not be happy about this. They will gossip about you, sabotage you, plot against you, or cause problems for you. You will have the technical know-how to solve most of the problems, and you will have the support you need. You can even identify those who try to cause harm to you, or expose their schemes. However, being very emotional and susceptible to emotional blackmails, you will have the tendency of being defeated by your own emotions before you can retaliate or protect yourself. You will often get so soft-hearted that you will choose not to get back at those who try to harm you, or even walk into their traps willingly. There will be a few occasions where others try to save you, but you may deny their help. This may cause those who help you to have second thoughts about helping you in the future. It will be important that you stay emotionally strong. You do not need to be nasty in order to be successful in your career, but it does not help you in anyway to play the victim. You deserve to be successful, and you have all the favourable conditions that can allow you to do so. Utilise them. Gather important information by yourself, and use your own judgment. You can be part of the grapevine, but do not get too affected by what you hear. Only you know what is best for yourself, and what is really going on in your own world. You do not owe anybody anything. If you can be emotionally strong and refuse to play the victim, you will likely excel at work. If you are considering changing jobs or roles in 2022, you can do so.


Your financial outlook in 2022 will be good, but you will have difficulties saving. There will be possibilities of receiving better remuneration. Your investment and gambling luck will also be better than other years. However, you will incur huge expenses. Fortunately, you should be able to cope with your expenses given your financial situation. Even so, you will still need to keep your expenses in check to prevent straining your finances. There are indications of others trying to cheat your money. Do not lend people money, or be a guarantor. Others will mislead you to make wrong judgments, which would in turn cause huge losses. This will not be a good year for making business investments. If you wish to make any investment, gather information by yourself. If there are investments that sounds too good to be true, they are likely scams. Do not let greed cloud your judgment. If you would like to gamble, you can have some fun, and might have winnings if the stakes are low. However, do not get involved in high stakes gambling as this would break your bank.


If you are single, there will be chances of you getting into a relationship. If you are interested in someone, try to observe, and let the person know how you feel directly. Others will mislead you by telling you untruths about your potential partner. They will also tell your potential partner bad things about you. These could threaten any possibilities of both of you starting a relationship. If you are already in a relationship, you and your partner will have a lot of enjoyable time together. While your relationship can improve, there will also be possibilities of frequent arguments caused by other people. Do not let others influence your relationship. Communicate openly with your partner as you know your partner better than others. Trust your own judgment instead of hearsay. There will be people throwing themselves in your arms. Decline the unworthy seduction, and focus on improving your long-term relationship instead. If you and your partner are in the midst of getting married, try to be tactful when communicating. Listen to what your partner say, and be open minded when in discussions. Be flexible about matters. Getting married is a joyous but stressful event, and you should not add unnecessary stress, or make it a battleground. There would be risks of your marriage being called off due to severe arguments or communication breakdowns.


Your health and safety will be poor. You will tend to eat, smoke, and drink too much. You will tend to fall ill easily, and for a long period of time. Among different forms of health conditions, you will be prone to diabetes. You will have weight-management problems. Control your diet and decline drinking and smoking excessively. If there are people who keep encouraging you to over-indulge, you should consider distancing yourself from them if you have difficulties rejecting them. For those with chronic illnesses, you may suffer from relapse. You will likely suffer from minor injuries, or require surgeries or invasive treatments. These may cause some frustration and inconvenience, but will not be life-threatening.


There will be a lot of gossips, betrayal, backstabbing, misleading and sabotaging. Others will plot against you, or try to cause problems for you. Fortunately, you will be able to gain strong support from others, and many will watch your back. This will cushion the impact of these problems. However, being the more emotional Chinese Zodiac Sign, coupled with the fact that you are easily victimised by emotional blackmail, you will still be very affected by these problems. Instead of always considering others, you should focus on yourself, and learn to say “no” if others were to take advantage of you, make use of you, or cause you to feel uncomfortable about suggestions others give. Gather important information by yourself, and avoid sharing confidential and sensitive information. Do not be gullible. Verify information others give you before jumping into action. You will get all the help from others, but nothing is more important than making yourself emotionally strong.

You can contact us for a personal reading as the advice given will be specifically tailored for you. You might want to consider having a Feng Shui consultation if you wish to utilize the environment to effectively enhance your fortune in areas such as wealth, health, relationships and career and to lessen your difficulties. You might like to read our testimonials in www.jmine.com.sg or www.jmine.com.sg/testimonials.htm.

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